Monday, July 9, 2007

Yes, I am an Apronista!

Yes, I know. I'm an open book. But this morning I was thinking about something that not even my friends know about me. Well, some do but not a lot. Most know my love for the kitchen. I love to cook and love to bake. There is something so relaxing to me about being in the kitchen and creating something. Baking really is the thing I enjoy the most because I like the moments of something being in the oven and sitting down to a cup of coffee while the entire house becomes filled with the aroma of cake or cookies or bread. Oh how I love that! That has to be one of my favorite feelings in the whole world. This is why I think I love my Holiday Baking Business so much! I can't wait for the Holidays to be here again! Ahhhhhh. Then there are my bowls, mixing cups, utensils, Kitchen Aid mixer, gadgets and other things that make my kitchen my fun place. My budget does not allow me to shop at Williams and Sonoma but oh my, I could have some fun in there! But stores that are better than that are the thrift stores and antique stores! Just writing all of this makes me wish I could hop in the car and go find this cake platform my grandmother used to have. It was ceramic and the dome cover looked like strawberry shortcake. The handle was a big strawberry on top. I'm not sure what happened to it but they can be quite pricey if you find them in an antique store.

Okay, so I love vintage stuff like that. Something about those things just makes me feel good inside. It makes me think of watching reruns of Leave It To Beaver at my grandmother's house while she was making pumpkin pies. For some reason, she made pumpkin pies all year long, not just Thanksgiving. While she made those pies, she always wore an apron! So a few years ago, in the spirit of vintage stuff and my love for the kitchen, I began collecting aprons. And I thought I was the only one with this love until I saw this and realized from her blog that there were many Apronistas out there like me! All of my grandmothers wore aprons and I've managed to get my hands on a few. Now, I'm addicted to vintage aprons!

Below are pictures of my favorites! See, you just thought you knew everything about me. I can be a little mysterious! :)


Wendy said...

Very cute! I especially like the green one.

Hope you have a great day!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Those are beautiful and so much fun!

Liz Ferguson said...

Oh how fun! :) I have one of my grandmothers is in good perfect condition. Every time I pull it out (and yes I use it, don't know if I should but I do) it reminds me of my dear sweet Grandma!

Christina said...

Very cute! :-)