Monday, December 17, 2007

Mom knows best

I realize this time of year, my favorite time of year, the time where I experience so much healing from the past, the time God helps me forget the past and focus on the future, is not the time I should be in the dumps but it does seem to be the time when the enemy comes at me full force. And I know I will get through this little off road/detour experience I am currently journeying but until then, I am processing some things and don't have much to share except my guts and I don't feel like sharing my guts or I could share fluff and I am not feeling too fluffy at the moment. Soooooooo when I don't have much to say, I have a mother that can usually pick up the slack. I needed some encouragement this morning for several reasons and BOTH of her blog posts this morning addressed two of the things I am processing. Funny thing is, I did not share with my Mom any of it.

First read this one. Let My Words Be Few
I've recently been the subject of "talk". Unfortunately I found out about it. I did not expect it to hurt as badly as it did but one thing the Holy Spirit has been showing me is to remember how hurt I feel at this moment because my words, even when said in private, will travel (it always does) and cause nothing but PAIN. Thanks Mom for this, it's an anointed word.

After reading that, read this one. New Friends To Enjoy Lunch With
Going into a new church can be tough because while being the new girl is fun, it's hard to find your place in a world of established relationships. And this reminds me to not become someone that relaxes in my established relationships but sits somewhere new, talks to someone new and shows myself friendly. If we had the money to eat out every single Sunday, I would love to go to lunch with a new couple every week.

So there! Enjoy Mom's blog! Oh and I guess I did share my guts a little. ;-)


Karen said...

I really don't always know best. I am so thankful for women in my life. You are one of the most inspiring women in my life. You have taught me that being real is really what other women need us to be. I struggle with that. You are good at it. Sometimes it's hard for me to be real because I don't like the "real". You have an amazing way of facing "real" head on.

This too shall pass. Do something totally out of the norm today. Make up a brand new game to play with your children -- one they will remember every Christmas. Go to a different place today.

i luv u

Gwen said...

Thinking of you! Blessing to you and your family this season.

I'm a little down in the dumps myself but my issue has to do more with a loved one possibly not being here for Christmas. I'm trying to remind myself that God is blessing me bigtime through this and I need to focus on that!

I like your moms idea of doing something different today! This afternoon I'm pulling my kids out of school early to drive 3 hours to go on the Polar Express!!! I think that qualifies for different! WHat about you?

Unknown said...

Thanks for always sharing something that I need to read... I am feeling down today as well:)!!

I love you my friend!!!