Thursday, August 7, 2008

100 things I love about my husband

I love my Jeremy so much. How did I get so blessed to get him? In honor of our seven years, I wanted to share with the world 100 things I love about him! I love you babe! Sorry to embarrass you.

100. he's naturally tan
99. his arms-love those arms!
98. his accent-total country boy
97. his ability to build anything
96. he loves my cooking
95. he loves my baking
94. he's athletic
93. he loves God
92. he loves country music
91. he loves rock music
90. he sings in the car
89. he can't sing but does it anyway
88. he looks really good in cowboy boots
87. he's a man's man
86. he strong
85. he's loyal
84. he's dependable
83. he is the hardest worker i have ever known
82. he has started running
81. he's honest
80. he gets along with everyone
79. everyone likes him
78. he's quiet
77. he' smart
76. he can change the oil in a car
75. he can fix a car
74. he makes me coffee every single morning
73. he tells me i'm hot all the time and I beginning to believe him :) ha!
72. he's very affectionate
71. he makes the kids laugh
70. he gives the kids a bath
69. he's changed as many diapers as me
68. he listens to Hank Williams Jr.
67. he will watch Grey's Anatomy with me
66. he brags on my cooking
65. he brags on me when i am not around
64. he's very protective of me
63. he takes care of me
62. he quit dipping one year ago
61. he grew up in the country
60. he's not a city boy
59. he's going to build us a dream house someday because he knows how
58. his laugh while he watches The Office
57. he has a nickname for all three kids
56. he adores us
55. ava beth calls him her prince
54. he's a very cute dad
53. he is slow to anger
52. he is steadfast
51. he is careful with his words
50. he's giving
49. he has a tender heart
48. he's funny
47. he can grill an incredible tbone
46. he makes an incredible homemade stew
45. he knows how i like my eggs-fried!
44. he stayed with me at the hospital when all three kids were born
43. he's always gotten up in the night to help me with the kids
42. he's respected by those he works with
41. he does not talk bad about people
40. he's a good judge of character
39. he doesn't lie
38. he holds my hand
37. he likes for me to go to bed at the same time as him
36. he prays for us
35. he comforts
34. he believes in me
33. he supports me homeschooling 100%
32. if someone hurts me, he gets mad
31. he loves his mom very much
30. he is just as obsessed with the Cowboys as me
29. he's friendly
28. he never smells bad
27. he looks good even after a hard days work
26. he's a morning person
25. he knows all the words to the song pour some sugar on me
24. he was track star in high school
23. he cleans
22. he prays with the kids
21. he helps get the kids in bed
20. he wants to make me happy
19. he listens to Alan Jackson and George Strait
18. he will listen to my hip hop music too
17. he will even listen to Justin Timberlake
16. he likes watching american idol
15. he calms me
14. if he is worried about something, he doesn't let me know so that i won't worry
13. he lives for his family
12. he likes sushi
11. he thinks i am a fashion expert so...
10. he lets me pick out his clothes
9. he is hot
8. he is sexy
7. i LOVE his smile
6. he is the greatest daddy ever
5. the kids tell him he is the greatest daddy ever
4. he is running the half marathon with me
3. he is VERY laid back
2. the way he tells jokes makes me laugh so hard
1. he loves me more than anything in the whole world and I KNOW it!


Kelly Ann said...

I LOVE this!! What an awesome way to honor and respect your man!!

Dee said...

this is precious - amanda! I heart your admiration for your husband!!! :)

Kate said...

happy 7th to you too!

Rachel said...

very sweet! he sounds a lot like my hubby. looks like the Lord has blessed both of us :0).

Liz Ferguson said...

What a sweet list. I hope your hubby read it! :)

It's encouraging to hear you speak so highly of your husband, and see clearly your love and admiration for him. What a beautiful example to the world. You are blessed! :)

Happy 7th!