Okay folks, I have been up a very long time working on my computer. I am getting good at this! We started having some crazy issues back in March because I never did an update. I thought I did but I didn't. Long story short. A friend came over tonight, worked on it a little and then we decided I needed a system recovery. I did not lose anything except my mind!
So, if you emailed me this week and I have not responded (COURTNEY), it's because I have lost every single email address. If you email me, I can get it back in my outlook express. Or eventually I can copy and paste it all from gmail but it will take a long time.
Honestly, if you have emailed me or called me, just know that I am a sucky friend right now. I know Kelly Ann must be tired of hearing me say "I will call you back." I am sure she knows I won't by now. And if you have left me a message on my home phone, I suck. I never listen to the messages. I need to. My cell phone ran out of minutes and texts usage but it renews today. That has for sure made it hard to call people back because I have every one's number in that phone! And it's too much work to get the number then call. And honestly, my life has been ALL about kids and the last two days I have worked on getting our homeschool stuff ready to go. Come the 18th, I will be a mom and teacher! Yes, I know I started a lot of sentences with AND. Oh well!
Also, does anyone know how to get the font back to normal. It's all weird now and I don't like it!
Finally going to bed! PLEASE Send me an email if you are my friend or family or blogging friend! Basically, if you have my email address, email me! Courtney, I have not emailed you back yet because I had a long one to write you. :) I think I should just call. :) I've started typing it twice and then tonight lost all of it!
And Happy Birthday to my friend Wendy!
I'm feeling the cake hang over today. Ha!, but it was a great day.
Wow...sounds busy! I remember starting homeschool K with Hope...fun! Enjoy!
I heard about not bad application, Outlook Express recovery, tHis application know how recover corrupted dbx files size more 4gb, recovering dbx files in the batch mode (extracting messages from dbx files and immediately saving them to the disk)and similar.
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