Monday, August 18, 2008

Our School house

I have some incredible friends who love me and my children. Last night my friends Becky and Mark came with a gift bag for Josiah. It was full of supplies, a personalized crayon and pencil box, Spiderman folders, crayons, stickers, pens and some other fun stuff! Of course they brought Ava Beth a surprise too! Every little girl needs a light-up Hannah Montana shirt! She refused to take it off last night! She slept in it and wore it all day today! Then this afternoon my friend Frances and her girls, Demi and Kayla, came by with a goodie bag for Josiah. It was full of snacks and juice drinks. The girls thought he would want snacks for his first week of kindergarten! If you look at the memory board in the picture, you will see the cards from each gift. :)
First day of school is Monday, August 25th!

So here it is! This is our front room, which also has an over stuffed chair and ottoman, piano and trains usually everywhere! I am very, very excited and so is Josiah!!! My table is perfect and exactly what I wanted. It has a bench and four chairs. I love the bench!

Don't look too close at the star on the Texas Flag! This was done free hand so give me a break! :) It is perfect for our pledge to the Texas flag. I grew up saying two pledges. One to the U.S. Flag and one to the Texas flag! Texans are proud, what can I say?! This book shelf I am sure we will out grow soon. It has our curriculum box and an art box and I need to put some books on it!We also have have a closet full of supplies.

And here is my U.S. flag that is becoming a very difficult project! If I can't get it right, I can always have Josiah walk over to the front window and say the pledge!

This flag is perfect and my canvas is not! But I will keep trying!

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K'Live the Moment said...

You are so talented in many ways! I love how you have set the room up for Josiah! He is going to have an AMAZING teacher! It looks so warm and cozy and a great place for learning! Your Texas Flag looks great and your American Flag is coming along great too!

Love ya!

Karen said...

Wow! Pretty Cool. Tell Josiah I am so proud of him. Did you take his picture for his first day of school. I still have yours? Do you want me to send it to you so you can put it with Josiah's?

You are going to do really great with homeschooling Josiah.

I love you.

Kim said...

It looks great! I am still working on ours :) It does make things exciting. You will love this first year and the years that follow. It is an incredible blessing!

The flag looks awesome and I am jealous of the giant one outside your house. How perfect!

Unknown said...

Thanks y'all! I feel very insecure and inadequate in this journey but I know God will help me. Thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could go back to being 5 and come to your school. So proud of you Mandi. What a wonderful school condusive to learning. He is already too smart and now he will be smarter. Happy First Day of School Josiah. I will come to the graduation!! Just marvelous. Happy Birthday to Jeremy too. Love y'all. Mandi-you should feel no insecurity....simply you should feel acomplished. Following and Initiating The Hope....FAITH

Christy said...

I am so excited for you! God is giving you exactly what you need for every day ... he will continue along the way. I love your creativity and how you are already making learning FUN! You guys are going to have a fantastic year! I can't wait to see pics and hear the great stories along the way. I hope you have a wonderful year!

Kelly Ann said...

Awesome job friend! I am so excited for you and Josiah! He is going to LOVE his new learning space!

Becca in Texas said...

It looks so good Mandi. You are going to have so many blessings ahead in this new year.
Hey! You can do a pledge to the Bible too. I really have missed that about not being at a Christian school because it is a good opportunity to teach Josiah about how our allegiance lies first to our God. Then to our country and then to our state. I know you can look it up online, but if you dont find it email me and I will write it out for you.

Unknown said...

Becca, is it this?

"I pledge to the Bible God's Holy word, and will take it as a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and hide it's words in my heart that I may not sin against God."

We did this in VBS when I was a kid and we did a pledge to the Christian flag. I think I will do the Bible one for sure. :)

Thanks Becca!!!!

mamashine said...

It looks awesome! We're starting kindergarten homeschooling next week too. Are you using a certain curriculum? It sounds like you're coming up with lots of great ideas on your own.

Kate said...

just do a star with 13 stars around it (for the 13 colonies which he will learn about soon!) and then around that write "in God we trust"

just an idea... i would go batty trying to do 50 stars! :)

Unknown said...

Kate, I already thought about that and Josiah is set on a the US flag! :) So it should be fun! :)HA!

Wendy said...

It looks great! And, what thoughtful friends! I hope you guys have a great year together. :)

Becca in Texas said...

Well I know you are doing the flags all yourself but if the stars are stressing you out then go buy a stamp at Michaels and stamp the stars on. Then they will all come out perfect and you won't feel the need to overanalyze all 50 of them.

That is pretty much the same pledge I learned. Very cool I cannot wait to hear about all the social studies lessons you teach Josiah. I found a magent map of the US at our Mardel and this summer we learned just about the concept of a whole country, soon we are going to start learning where the states go.

Unknown said...

oh and someone asked my why i did not paint the other walls. Well, those walls are over 20ft high! NO LIE! I hate 'em! :) I am not getting on a ladder that tall!