Sunday, August 17, 2008

what have I been doing?

This morning I am sipping on some coffee before getting everyone ready for church. I have not had to get the kids ready for church in over a year. Why? Well, I have always had to be at church by 7:30 for band practice then both services. The night before I always got every one's outfits picked out so getting the kids out the door would not be too hard on Jeremy. It's a lot of work! We have been gone for two weeks so this will be my first Sunday to just be a "regular" church member. I miss it already but at the same time I feel confident that I needed this ministry break.

One more week until we start Kindergarten!!! I am getting really excited! I'm currently working on the room and trying to figure out how I want it set up. I've got things to hang on the walls and lots of fun ideas. I've got my table, book shelf and all the organizing stuff you can imagine. We have a pretty big downstairs closet under the stairs and it has officially become our "homeschool closet". I bought a memory board, bulletin board and I'm painting two canvases. Josiah is going to love it! He picked out a little desk lamp too from Ikea. :) My creative juices are flowing big time.

This week is Jeremy's Birthday and back to school so we will be doing lots of family celebrations!

And there you have it! That's what I've been up to!

1 comment:

Karen said...

That's great that you are able to take a break to enjoy being a "regular church member". Working at a church full time I completely understand that feeling. Hope you have a great week!

God Bless!