Wednesday, October 15, 2008

People get ready

As I prayed and read God's Word this morning, I was lead to some awesome passages. My prayer journal is becoming quite full. I love, love, love how I can pour my heart out to God and He will hear my cry! Yesterday I was on the verge of tears all day. God is moving right now and we live in a world where people are fighting it. The devil is on the prowl. It's so obvious!

Our lives are filled with good things that most consider God things. We fill our schedules with bible studies, prayer meetings, conferences, volunteer opportunities and so much more. But when is the last time we got out the WORD, the BIBLE and had a feast. It doesn't matter how many Beth Moore Bible Studies you attend. It doesn't matter how many meals you make for a neighbor or how often you volunteer for your church. What about just sitting with HIM and pursuing him with everything you've got?! I have not been doing it. Most of us are not. We are distracted by good things and forgetting all about the GOD things. I have forgotten.

Revelation 2, verse 5 says "Look how far you have fallen from your first love! Turn back to me again and work as you did at first. If you don't, I will come and remove your lampstand from it's place among the churches."

God's word convicts, corrects and sometimes offends. But His WORD is perfect. If we are here during the tribulation, if we do happen to be here when an Anti Christ comes along, shouldn't we have the Word of God on our lips? Shouldn't we KNOW it?! How will we fight if we don't?

Here are some things I read this morning.

Habakkuk's Prayer in Chapter 3
Zephaniah 2 A Call to repentance!
Zechariah 1:1-6

Just a reminder. JESUS IS COMING BACK! Will you be ready?

(Thanks for all the emails I got yesterday! WOW!!!! It was awesome!! I will turn the comments back on when God tells me I can! I had another link to Ed's message but it's messed up. Go to to watch it.)