Tuesday, January 13, 2009

no this is not James 4! not yet!

(There is already a lot about this post I would like to go back and change but I can't because it's what I was thinking and feeling. I've had a few messages sent my way that have challenged me even more so I am pretty sure this will be something I think on for a quite a while. Just looking at my 2nd paragraph makes me kind of cringe. In many ways I am "getting" it but in so many other ways, I DON'T. I still sound like such a "churchy" girl who scare people away!)

While I struggle to accept the new President, I feel like I pushed some people away and did not reflect Christ during the election. There is nothing anyone can say to convince me that he was the right choice. But, I don't feel that my blog should have been the place for me to share the things I did. It was not fair to make those who did support Obama feel like I was condemning them. Many Christians voted for him and it was wrong for me to judge and behave as harshly as I did.

I still have no desire to watch some of the television shows that many women are addicted to these days. While I don't feel homosexuals are doomed to hell, I don't feel comfortable watching shows showing men kissing men and women kissing women. I also don't feel comfortable watching another doctor show that is about non-married men and women slamming each other onto desks to have sex.

While it may sound very legalistic, it's my conviction. I don't understand how some are okay with it but, some of those people are my friends. Many could look into my life and find something they don't agree with either. Me enjoying a beer with my husband or friends is usually one most Christians I meet via the church don't agree with. That's okay.

But the thing I continue to pursue is holiness. At least I try. I've swung from one side to the other and even now I struggle to understand what it looks like. The thing that is so funny is that a lot of Christian people think they know. The missional/emergent church thinks it's one thing while the "seeker" church thinks it's the other. Then there is the church much like the one we have been a part of the last year and half who tends to be more of the "churched" crowd who have a totally different view on what holiness looks like (this is the crowd that suckers me in every single time). Oh and then there is the Assemblies of God and or Pentecostals who view it in a way that is very radical for me (I grew up in this church). My church backgrounds have been a little confusing to say the least. So I find myself constantly trying to figure it out. I thought I was the most comfortable with my "church" friends but God has put some people in my life over the last few months who have become great friends that give me the opportunity to be me. The real me.

One thing God is showing me is that holiness is more about my character than it is my actions. My friend Larry, who was also my youth pastor in jr high and high school, graduated from Southwestern Theological Seminary in Fort Worth with a Masters in Divinity. He recently got a divorce so of course he would not fit in so much as a Southern Baptist Pastor nor would he want to fit in. We have spent a lot of time over the last few months talking about church, church people, Pastors and how messed up ALL of it is. And that would include us too! There is NO ONE I trust more than Him when it comes to what the Bible says. He is my teacher and will always be my teacher. He's already told me that someday if he ever goes back into the ministry, I will be His worship leader (that would rock). He's a rebel but he LOVES God and knows God better than most people because Larry works the process. He walks through things and he doesn't quit even when he sees how yucky a man's heart can be. He's made big mistakes and has experienced divorce. He left his church and his wife all in the same day and everyone thought he was crazy. He was told things like, "God is going to give you cancer because you are in rebellion." HA! Can you imagine? People really know how to say things to help, don't they? Not!

Larry called me yesterday morning to check on us and he said something that really made me chew. "Holiness is about our character, not our actions." Hmmm. Of course later my mind thought, "Yes but our actions reveal our character." I have to call him back on this one. :) But the point he was trying to make is it doesn't matter what you DO, it's who you ARE. I don't think I can even put into words what it made me feel but it just revealed to me that we are all so different and how could we not be? We all have different backgrounds, different childhoods, different DNA for crying out loud! We won't agree on everything. We won't all get along. Each walk of life, each walk with God will look different. Who am I to judge?

This past year I have questioned other's salvation. I have question their character. I have question their sanity. I have questioned, I have judged and in doing so, I narrowed the field. Instead of being able to reach all kinds of people, I chose a path that would reach only ONE kind of people. CHRISTIANS.

I don't wish to go back and read BLUE LIKE JAZZ or VELVET ELVIS or join another Church plant. I'm not going back to that place of "hating churches". My heart is for the church. God has gifted me to be used in the church. But I don't want to miss all the others. I don't want to be ONE kind of missionary. I want to be used everywhere!

Please forgive me for showing only ONE side of things. Please forgive me for my judgements. Please forgive me for my legalism. I'm still trying to figure things out myself. Thank you to those of you who KNOW that and you stick with me.

It is so much easier to live by a set of rules. It's easier to look at things black and white. It's harder to live under grace and it's harder to accept ALL kinds of people.

Back in December I read THE SHACK. It was a life changing book for me in many ways. It taught me about forgiveness in a way that I never considered. Because of that book I have been able to let go of some things and some people that I needed to. That book started a fire in me and still, a month later, has me thinking daily about it. The most shocking thing about the book is the way Christians spoke badly about it. Some did not think it was an accurate picture of God. I thought it was the most amazing picture of God. Hearing all of the opinions about the book made me realize that people feel so safe in the world of "church and christian lingo". But we live in a world of people who could understand the teacher on Charlie Brown better than they could a Christian.

I want my love for Christ to be understood. I don't want to push people away or cause them to think that God is wanting them to follow a set of rules before they can experience him. So many Christians do this, I don't want to be one of them.

I'll end with this. A few months ago I was talking to someone who was in the midst of starting a church. I explained how I knew some incredible musicians and that I could probably get them to help out when and if they wanted a special service with music while they waited to find their own. The person I was speaking to said, "Well, we don't want just anybody. We take the pulpit (I personally would have used the word stage) very seriously and we don't want guys who have played gigs all night at a bar coming to church and playing for us." I thought about that conversation for weeks and realized how in some ways, I have been guilty of the same mindset. Just hearing the person say what they did made me cringe about myself! Because guess what? Jesus doesn't count those people out! He doesn't care! If he counts them out, then I'm counted out!! And Christian are constantly going around counting people out! He wants to use all of us! We spend so much time making a big deal out of things that I believe God is shaking His head over in disbelief. I mean here I am a worship leader, they don't have a worship leader and after I thought about it, I realized that they probably looked at me in the same light they did the guy who plays at the bars. And they should!! I'm a sinner. We all are!

Christians (not all) are rude. They are rude in the grocery stores, mean on the freeway and lack kindness in sooooooooo many ways. The waitress takes too long and we tell the manager. We fuss over so much stuff that we constantly miss opportunities to show a lost world who JESUS really is.

And this my friends is what training for a marathon will do to you! Lots of miles to examine your heart. That is for sure!


Kelly said...


I have been loving reading James again, and absorbing it, as well as your commentary. Sorry I haven't commented, I just haven't had anything to add, but wanted to let you know I am reading along and soaking it up.

Stacey said...

The Shack is completely and utterly rocking my world! I am half way through and there is just so much there I don't want to read too fast! I want to savor it!

I was just sharing at women's group last night how God is doing mighty things in me through this book!! And the parallels with your reflections on James are perfect.

Anonymous said...

Dear Amanda~

What I was thinking as I read is that, yes as Christians we are to love all people but not accept sinning as okay. Really, the people we are around will affect our walk. As we can affect their walk also. Which I know you know. When I became a Christian God took away the wrong desires I had and watching certain shows, movies, listening to certain music so forth makes me cringe, I am convicted. Not to say, that I always heed and follow the Holy Spirt but He is there if I choose to. You are a wonderful person Amanda! We are all trying to figure it out. Love, Beth

Unknown said...

Beth, I understand what you are saying but I must be honest and tell you that everything you said is kind of what I am challenging in my own life.

For me my desire to watch things has not gone away completely and I don't think becoming a Christian means you are instantly convicted of things God does not like. It's a process and it looks differntly for everyone.

But the people the area in which i live is not full of people like me and you. In fact, the world is not FULL of people like you and me and those kinds of things really can cause someone to NOT want anything to do with church, God or Christians.

And here's something else. Is it a WRONG desire to want to watch those things? You see, I don't think so.

But that's why this stuff is hard. It's tough stuff and it's VERY hard for a Christian to think about because it's easier to use our Christian lingo and be done. It's so much more than that.

Thank you so much for sharing how you feel. My hope is that you will understand that I am only trying to get people to think differently. It's totally okay to not agree. :)

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying. Everyone is at a different place in their walk. We can only worry about our own walk, be an example to others, and pray for them. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.

Dee said...

oh AMANDA!!! i can't tell you what this post has done to me. i had to read it to my husband because it contained many of the things we have discussed in our own home.

we judge, but we, of course, are holy. not perfect, but see ourselves as doing well. we have complained that we don't really have many people here to hang out with like in other places...but we have done this to ourselves. in worrying about being "christian" I think we have surrounded ourselves with ONLY those type people. now when there aren't so many and people we know don't go to church or don't believe the way we do...we just don't forge those friendships. we have become narrowminded. we have listened to different views and adopted them as "Christian" and not listened specifically to the voice of God. and because we both have stood on the opposite sides of "Christian" instead of strengthening our marriage, sometimes it has challenged our marriage. but realizing that black and white isn't always the way and that there IS a grey area...we are finding what God has to REALLY offer and it's not just a set of rule and right/wrong. it's amazing....and it's just the beginning.

this post is a TESTAMENT to God shaping you. you are being molded and used. it is WONDERFUL to watch it unfold. i could write all day on how awesome and emotional it was for me to read your post. but i refuse to hijack your comments section. or maybe I already have, oops...

now, after all this...i must MUST MUST read "the Shack."

Kim said...

Do we call those gray areas, "Christian Liberties"?

I think we could say that there are A LOT of gray areas but God commands that even in these areas, we honor Him.

If asking that question to myself, when watching a show or movie, reading a book, wearing a pair of shorts, speaking certain words, etc... it is usually crystal clear whether I think it brings Him glory.

Some decisions we make without thinking. For months or even years, we just go through the motions and then WHAM. God reveals to us that this particular thing should be purged. We feel conviction in areas that we had not felt before. I think that conviction can come by way of a sermon or influence of peers but it is most clear for me when it comes by His Word.

Some things are sinful. We cannot be tolerant of those things in our lives. My list starts first thing in the morning and I carry through until I lay my head down at night.

I don't think you have to apologize for the areas where God is refining you, Amanda. It is a slow, tedious and sometimes painful process.

It's hard for me to take the blinders off when God has removed such a burden in my life. I then see it as a burden in the lives of others and I want to shout, "HEY! YOU ARE CARRYING AROUND A GREAT BURDEN OVER THERE!!! YOU ARE LAZY AND YOU ARE ADDICTED TO OREOS!!!"

In my mind, if they would just fall in line behind me ;) they could have that same freedom and joy of serving their husband or whatever blessing that comes from the obedience. (the oreos are still an issue)

God just doesn't work that way, though (I'm figuring out after my mass speeches on homeschooling!)and in order for it to be about Him it must go back to the Word.

We are at different places but it's okay to share what that looks like. Later when someone else is standing at the same vantage point they can look around and know that the view is familiar and recognize that God was whispering to them through your testimony.

I don't post here so much because I can't shut my mouth and I don't want to hog your blog. You can wipe this essay out if you want ;)

Unknown said...

Nope don't apologize Kim! I just got your email before I knew you had posted. I loved them both! I love how you make me THINK. You make me dig for the truth and right now I just feel a bit overwhelmed. I am not content with either side and I don't like being in the middle. I just need a good old phone conversation with you so we can hash it out and you can listen to all my questions. I DO NOT want to keep coming to this place but maybe that is what God is doing. He has me here for a reason. I HATE that I am seeing both sides of this. It would be easier to just see ONE side. :)

Anonymous said...

ditto Kim.
well put!