Monday, November 9, 2009


Good morning friends! I am so excited to begin this study with you! I am praying for each and everyone of you to be RENEWED. God has so much in store for us! I know it!

The only request I have for this study is for you to share! Remember that all of us have struggles. No one in this study is perfect and free from hurt and pain. We ALL have something we need to experience freedom in, God's healing! Remember that your pain is what God longs to use. It's your gift! So don't be shy!

Below you will find DAY 1 inside of a Google Doc. Each day make sure to print the questions and reflection sheet and place it in a binder. Do you have your fancy pen yet? Well if you don't, go buy yourself a fancy pen for this Study! You deserve it! Before I let you lose to print out Day 1, I want to share with you the content for the next 5 weeks. It's all from HIM friends! ALL OF IT! I am just the vessel! You will notice each week ends with an exclamation mark because I wouldn't be myself if I didn't use exclamation marks! I'm excited so let's get excited together!


Psalm 51:10 (Amplified Bible)

10Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.

Week 1- Reclaim what was taken!
Recognizing the enemy and reclaiming the life God created us to live

Week 2- Examine the inside!
Examining our hearts and minds

Week 3- Never look back!
Forgiving those who have hurt us, including ourselves.

Week 4- Experience Supernatural healing!
Being transformed and made whole

Week 5- Walk in love
Loving ourselves and others

And that's how you spell RENEW!!!


Anonymous said...

I already need prayer desperately first thing this morning. The attacks started yesterday afternoon at a Women's Ministry planning meeting. I couldn't sleep and the mental ball of of emotions is rolling this morning. Please please dear Sisters pray for me!!!! I know God wants to free me up and Satan wants to keep me from forgiving people and "letting hurtful things that are said go" I need your prayers to help me fight this warfare!!! Sometimes things scrape old wounds of past abuse and hurts and I am hanging on by my fingernails trying to dig into God's word and counter act any attacks.

Wendy said...

Looking forward to getting started. Thanks, Amanda!

Tiffany said...

REALLY GREAT STUDY, 'MANDA!!! :) This is SO TIMELY for me...thank you for taking the time to do's already blessing me and I'm SURE, many others!

I love you...look forward to MOVING FORWARD!!!

Tiff ;)

Andrea said...

I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,

I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to do the bible study. I had been mulling it over because I'm doing another bible study at church and I didn't want to commit to something and then decide I was too busy. Anyway, I was shopping this weekend and I spotted a cute ink pen and that's what finally made me decide I should get on board.

I just worked on the first day, and I'm looking forward to the rest. Thank you for taking the time to do this.


Unknown said...

Hurray!! I already feel like the Lord has a message for me--yeah for Day. :) I have a decision to make and have been listening for God's will, so I really appreciated Romans 12:1-2. Thank you, Amanda. :)

Lyndy said...

So excited. Thank you so much for doing this.

Anonymous said...

I just finished Day 1, and I can already tell that God is going to MOVE!! I took the time to write out the verses at the end of the study and what a fantastic reminder of some biblical truths I have forgotten over the years. I will continue to pray that God will show me how to approach the people I need to forgive and make sure there is no one else that needs to be added to that list. I want to be FREE from those chains. Thank you, Amanda, for being so attuned to all that God wants to reveal to us. God bless you, sister!!

Steph said...

I'm so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this study! I loved the points about what the Lord wants us to know as we begin our journey! I pray that we are all able to be renewed!!

Unknown said...

Wow, Wow, wow! Friends, I am so excited to be a part of this journey! Isn't God great?!!! Thank you for being so real and transparent. When we expose the darkness and expose the lies we have believed, the enemy loses ground! I love all of you so much! Can't wait until tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Becca, when you can't get those negative thoughts our of your mind, get out your sword (the bible) and start reading the truth outloud! I AM THERE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW! Just today I have been hit head on with some stuff and I KNOW what you are feeling. I think we all do! Please keep us posted!!! Praying with you and love you sister!

Becca in Texas said...

I am going to have to do them a day behind since I am printing them off at school and then doing them the next morning. Looking forward to tomorrow. I got a very fun notebook to put them in and printed on colored paper.

Anonymous said...

Amanda! I am so excited to see what God has in store for all of us! It is amazing how it is exactly what I needed to hear! I feel so joyful, but there are obsticals that I am struggling wth. This is the first time in my life, in my relationship with Christ, that I feel I am completely giving it all to HIM! It was scary, but now I am soooo excited! I am ready to be Renewed!

Christy said...

I'm excited.. been gone all weekend so just joining.

Kelly said...

Just finished day 1 and I feel so energized. I was so excited to get started this morning, and it didn't disapoint:-)I LOVE studying God's Word, and renewal is just what I need.

Christina said...

WOW! I LOVE this!!!! Thanks Amanda for doing this!

Romans 12:1-2 was what I needed too! I want to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of my mind! I read in my study bible: the renewed mind is one SATURATED with and CONTROLLED by the Word of God!

Lord, may I saturate my life with Your word! Your Word WILL change me!!!!! Amen!

Stacey said...

I am in awe of God right now. In complete and total awe. He is SO good to us, yes?

I am listening to a song that has the line "I'm on the other side of something"..... that is how I feel. I feel like I am just on the other side of something big. It's almost unexplainable. I will probably write more about this very vague comment (sorry) on my blog.