Monday, August 6, 2007

desperate need

I have not been sleeping well lately. My dreams have been kind of crazy and disturbing. None of them really connect, it's just dreams popping up about things going on in my life. New things, things I am worried about that I did not even know I was worried about, silly stuff, stupid stuff, sub conscience stuff, fearful stuff, stuff dreams are made of. Right?!

The thing my dreams are showing me is that I really need to draw close. I need to get in His word and feed on the truth. I need something to fight with, something to keep the enemy at bay, far, far, far from my thoughts and my mind because this is where the true battle lies. I'm entering ministry all over again and next week will kick off the singing portion of that ministry/dream of mine. It's seems the closer I get to that, the harder the spiritual warfare is.

So what's the solution? Well, this is an area where I have to stand and fight. My mind will take me places I should never go. Fear will creep in and take me off the path instantly, if I let it. In the past, I have let it all out. If I were going through something, everyone knew about it. This time I am really trying to stay focused and not make such a big deal of the enemy's attacks. Instead this is where I need to pour it all out in prayer and allow HIM to stand and fight for me. Now it's time for me to just be still. Life is full of trials, ups and downs and struggles and the more of them I have, the more I realize I am in desperate need of a Savior. Desperate need.

Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."


Sonya Terrell said...

I went through that a few months ago of having disturbing dreams that were keeping me from sleeping well...I even wrote about it in my blog.

I believe all it is our daily life and fears manifesting itself into our dreams. I was so worried that it was omens for things to come, and it had started to paraylize me with fear untill I prayed through it and found the truth.

Keeping reaching to Jesus and he will see you through this. Your voice is a gift from him and you MUST use it!

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts today! I tend to vent all my feelings to others instead of the One who can really give me solutions and peace. Thanks for the reminder! :) I'm excited for you as you begin to sing again. I know the Lord will use you in AWESOME ways!

Love & Miss you!!
Kelly Ann

Amy... said...

Hmmmm...I know what you are talking about. This is one of the passages that I (try to) repeat to myself when I find myself being overtaken by fear and know that I need to rest and overtaken by Jesus. Love, Amy

...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

phil 4:8

P.S. Looking forward to doing that meme! I loved reading yours--you're so fun!

Christy said...

it absoultely amazes me that when you write about this stuff I have been dealing with it at the EXACT time. I have been having stupid, crazy dreams and even waking up with a bit of anxiety. I even called the dr about it. I just keep praying b/c all they ever want to do is put me on something for depression. I am not depressed. I am exhausted from spiritual battles. Jeremy is leaving for a mission trip and will be gone for 9 days... this is a spiritual battle b/c where he is going in MN they know nothing about GOD, they are cold and bitter people. It is like the devil tries to distract him thru my spirtual battles. I just keep praying! I always run to J to ask for advice on fighting yet some times forget to even pray before venting. I find myself relying on him more than the one who can actually fight for me. I am praying for you! I hope you've had a better day. This may or may not help but I try to remember if I wasn't such a threat to the kingdom then the devil wouldn't fight me so hard. It gives comfort to me... your a threat to the enemy... your planting a church, investing in people's lives.. your a threat to him!!! Praise God.

Liz Ferguson said...

Good thoughts! I totally understand. I have been reminded that I need to go to the Lord first and lay my burdens at His feet... To rest and be still before Him.

Psalm 16:11 "You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever."

I pray that you will be able to rest in Him.