Every once in a while I will have someone say something to me about how perfect my life seems. They read my blog, see the pictures, read the stories and assume I don't have a care in the world. I actually have a family member that prefers not to read my blog because they think I am just bragging about how great my life is. How do I know they feel this way? Well, they told me. It bothered me until I realized this person obviously did not read my blog daily because I have ALWAYS been real about who I am. No pretending over here at MAMA SINGS!
Do you know how often I start typing out a post about how crappy I am feeling? I used to write about ALL of it. A few months ago I decided to not write about every single detail. People can be rude to me, hurt my feelings or do me wrong but I refuse to write it all out and give them the satisfaction of reading about it. Why I ever wrote about those things, I don't know! It was DUMB!!! I've learned about peopling reading my blog who don't really care about me, they're just nosey and want to know what's going on in my life. So why give those people the satisfaction and allow them to read about my pain, aka my treasures?
Also I made the big mistake of letting people I go to church with know that I have a blog. It's nothing against my church friends but sometimes people just know way too much about what's going on and I am not too fond of that anymore. I think I prefer to be a mystery! :) Sure I could make my blog private but I don't want to do that. Now I am just extra careful about what I write. I did get rid of twitter because I realized I was sharing too much of my daily business with people who, again, don't really need to know. I like facebook better anyway! :)
I am sure it looks like I do have quite the life and let me tell you, I DO! I am blessed! But I am a pretty normal gal. I struggle with self esteem, I feel insecure and inadequate about homeschooling, my childhood was more than jacked, my family relationships are still awkward and far from healthy, I have a brother who I have absolutely no relationship with (I wish I did though), a step sister and step brother I have no relationship with and family members on my side and probably my husband's side who don't like me. See, far from perfect! Those things make me sad but it's my life. And family members who never read my blog will probably read it today because I have mentioned them and it will piss someone off. Oh well. It won't be the first time.
I struggle a lot with fear and fear of dying. I struggle with worry and anxiety. For the past two months I have struggled with depression. I currently have leg pain so I worry that I am dying, especially after I google symptoms and diagnose myself with something! Sound perfect to you? Sounds to me like a woman who needs to be delivered!
I'm just a wife and mom trying to find joy daily, trying to love myself daily, trying to believe God loves me and soooooooooooooo much more DAILY. I am one big mess! But, when I am able to hear the truth, listen to God's voice instead of my own, I know I am loved and one incredible Godly woman.
Don't be fooled by the homeschooling pictures, the miles I have run in 2008 or the pretty pictures of my family. I struggle to be a good wife, a good Mom and a secure woman just like everyone else.
I need approval, acceptance and love just like any other person. Maybe more! Some think it's stupid to be so open with my flaws but I think it just empowers me even more to tap into Jesus and rely on Him for everything! I NEED HIM BADLY!
So there's a REAL dose of me for you today! Hope I didn't scare you away! I just thought I would shed some light on myself in the midst of me sharing pictures about homeschooling and adding miles to my sidebar. Maybe I should put a little thing in my sidebar entitled " my freaks outs in 2008" or "how many times I've doubted myself in 2008". Maybe I would seem a little more flawed. :) Or you could just call my husband and he could tell you. :)
Thanks for allowing me to be me. Thanks for reading on the good days and bad days.
Thank God for you Mandi. Truly.
I hope you don't mind me commenting, as I know we don't know one another. I do read your blog semi-regularly. It started because I was interested in hearing about your running. I run 5-6 days a week too and enjoy hearing about other's schedules, training tips,etc.
However,I also appreciate your "realness". I think a way that Satan deceives us is he leads us to believe that we are isolated in whatever it is we're struggling with. The truth is, we all struggle. It is valuable to hear how we are all the same in that way and then to give God the glory for how he continues to lift us out of the pits we find ourselves in by His grace and mercy. I think that's the benefit of being transparent.
Blessings to you.
I love your guts!!
Remember, if we all were to be honest, we would recognize that we are all just messed up people trying to move forward.
Girl I have been reading almost daily for over two years now! I keep coming back because you are just like me, trying to 'SURVIVE' in this world... some days are good, some days are sad, some days your mad, some days your FABULOUS. Life doesn't always deal us what we want, what we think we want... we are going to struggle and that is why I love coming back and reading more. You are just you. Personally while you do write about your accomplishments, how many miles you've ran you also write about how much it hurt or how you didn't get as much in as you'd liked... just like with life... you share with us how tough it can be to make it day to day yet how blessed you are! I want to encourage you to keep writing WHILE being YOU! You have no idea girl and I mean NO idea how you help some of us out here. Believe me, I am nobody --- It means nothing to you if I read your blog on a personal level but I hope you know as a daughter of the KING I mean something to him and I find strength from the word you share! BTW, you gotta know your doing something right -- you always uplift HIM and someone doesn't like it!!! ;D
Let's just put this out there...I am one of your family members who loves you, looks to you for motivation as a wife, mother and God fearing woman! I love you more than you will ever know! If I had an extra $300 for gas, Hayden and I would drive up there and spend the weekend! I love your school house! I would like to think that me being a teacher I could easily home school my child, however, I AM WRONG! I tried to go over some flash cards with her and I can't get her to sit still...you are amazing and I think God everyday that I have you in my life!
Guts: guess what we all have the same problems except some don't think they do. Some pretend and some are real. I have made several mistakes today, made someone mad, said something I shouldn't have and did something I regret......that was all before noon. Some things are for ignoring, some things don't matter and some things are what they are. So what if people don't like you....their loss, so what if you make a mistake, you have learned, and so what if people get pissed off....it's their problem also. I think if all of us had a real guts monitor, we would all realize that we are people and God knows all about it and loves us anyway. I love you despite the pretty pics....because they are just darn pretty......so what.
Great post! I think that is all of our problem these days, we think everyone else has it better, is happier, not struggling! Thanks for being transparent, I know that is something I am trying to do no my blog as well, and you inspired it!
Girl, you did lay it all out there! You make me laugh! I love that about you! I can totally hear your voice when I read your blog!
I enjoyed talking to you today! :)
I've been following your blog(s) since I started this blogging thing myself (I never knew how much of a hobby it would become) I think your blog is one of the most REAL that I read. You are open about the good and the bad! I don't comment often but that's because there are so many blogs that I follow! Just know you're in my reader and I never skip a post. You are motivating!!
This is a virtual gift for you..go here! I saw it and instantly thought of you!!!
Girl.Please do not EVER go private unless you include all of us. I read daily and love how you are so open with the ups and downs of life!!! His grace is all we need and you have it girl, you have it!!!
By the way, I am a Facebook junky too!!!!
Oh dear Amanda - and this is why I have always identified with you. I have NEVER thought you perfect. We all struggle. But is it wrong to "brag" about wonderful moments God blesses us with?? HECK NO! So please stay real, keep blogging and pooh on those who don't like it. You stand for what you believe in and that has NEVER waivered!!!!!
Love you my bloggy friend!
Okay, where are all of you on the other posts?! Thank you so much for your encouragement. I decided to share all of that because I know how often I fall into the trap of comparing myself to others and I would hate for ANYONE to compare themself to me! I just thought it was time for a post about the real me and my struggles.
Thanks girls!!! You bless me!
Thanks for being real.
And is this what it takes to get you ladies to leave a girl a comment?! :)
Thank you Christy for what you said! WOW! And Dee, I have missed you! Christina, thank you!!! Kimberly, I would love to hear about your running and you know how hard it is trying to run and be a mom to three! :)
Cara, you know you will always be my favorite cousin and what the heck do you expect from Hayden?! You are doing flashcards with a 20 month old!!!! I'm impressed but don't be dissapointed, she's not interested! :) She would rather chat it up like her mom!
Thank you again ladies! You really blessed me with your comments. I can't quit smiling! :)
Being real is what is so encouraging. You are very brave Amanda. Not many people can be as real as you.
What is that fear anyway?? If we can not love and accept, then we don't need them in our life anyways because it brings us down and gives us self doubt.
So you keep on....You know that platform you have always wanted to speak on?? Well, welcome to your stage!!
If you go private please include me! Honestly, your blog has become my 2nd devotional for the day ;D
I understand 100% what you mean. From the very beginning of my blogging there have been tons of "real life" people reading my blog. I never share more on my blog than I'm willing for everyone I know....to know about me. But I try to be real at the same time.
It is difficult to balance....
I've read your blog for awhiel now and I feel like you have a great sense of balance on your blogging. Keep up the good work...and encouragement...
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