Sunday, August 17, 2008

life with a 3 1/2 year old girl!

Oh great! I showed Ava Beth sonogram pictures of her in my belly. I think I've really confused the child. She just screamed for me while laying in bed and said, "We need to go to the doctor and get him to put me back in your belly. I miss being in your belly. I liked being in there! I WANNA GO BACK!" And then Josiah (5 1/2) without missing a beat says, " But Ava Beth you can't play with makeup in Mommy's belly!! You love makeup!"

Seriously. I am not joking or adding to this story at all. My daughter is so dramatic for being three and a half years old. I do not know where she gets this! :) wink, wink!

Then as I was typing this (actually right now), she says "Josiah is not acting like my best friend and I do not want to see him. I need to sleep in your room, not the brother's room, not my room, your room because YOU are my best friend!"

And just think what 13 years old will be like!

Lord help me!


Amy... said...

What a hilarious little girl! She sounds so sweet and fun...and it sure sounds like she loves her mama!

Timmarie said...

I love that age...

And the drama! I never thought I would encounter drama at every single age!

K'Live the Moment said...

That is so funny...that sounds like my little Kaleigh over here! I love this age! At least we will get to go through the teenage years together...Lord help us!!!!!

Erin said...

SD is only 2 and she is dramatic too! I can only imagine 13!!!