Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am not sure if it's being back in a routine as I homeschool my children, Fall being just around the corner, training for a marathon or being surrounded by incredible friends and family, but I feel so blessed right now. All of the above truly makes me feel warm and cozy.

Over the last few days I have noticed how much God created me to nurture and focus on being the heart of my home. Teaching my kids this week, planning a menu and taking care of my home without leaving to go somewhere every single day in the Summer has me feeling like THIS is my purpose. And it is. THIS is what God has called me to do with my life. It is the greatest calling I could have ever hoped for or imagined.

I've decided Summer is not all it's cracked up to be. As much as I enjoy sleeping in (wait! we still kind of do that) and soaking up some sun in the pool, me and my kids thrive on a schedule. Our day has order and order brings peace.

Thank you Lord for new Seasons and thank you for this calling called "Motherhood". There is nothing else like it!

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