Monday, November 2, 2009

Bible Study

Good November morning my friends!

Can you believe it? NOVEMBER! WOW!

It's a new Season! Have you been to WalMart or Target yet? CHRISTMAS has arrived in all the stores and I am praying it will arrive in our hearts!

I am in a season of tremendous growth and this new path of faith I am on is making me look forward to my mornings with God every single day. I found myself a little sad this morning when it was time to put my Bible and journal away and begin the day with many tasks as a Mother and Homeschooling Mother. Everything in His Word is bringing about a fresh perspective to my day. There is something brand new He is doing in my life, in your life too. The more and more I dig in His word, the more I journal and the more things I see He is doing all around me. That being said, I feel God leading me to do a Bible Study via MAMA SINGS.

I am no Theologian, or expert on the Bible but I do feel God leading me in the direction to WRITE a Bible Study. It won't be my words, it will be His. The more I pray about it, the more excited I get because this idea He has given me is forcing me to stay close to Him. I don't want to get sidetracked. I don't want to lose focus. I want to be a vessel and the only way I know how to do that is to share the things God is teaching me.

The last couple of weeks I have felt like God was asking me to take a break from Marathon running. I don't feel him asking me to quit running or to never run a marathon again but to not run the one I was planning to in December. I wasn't sure why but now I know. He is wanting my full attention and a vigorous training plan does not fall into place right now. My running will continue to be a time of me running on Holy Ground but it will not be at a marathon level. So as I lay that down for a while, I am excited to see what God is about to do.

I have some ideas on what God is wanting me to share and lead others through. Currently I am just praying for God to put it all together. I may have DAY 1 and when DAY 1 is finished, I may get DAY 2. I really have no idea how God is going to speak but I am so excited!

If you are interested, please let me know. If you have a specific prayer request right now, please let me know. Let me know if you want to join me and wait with anticipation for God's voice to teach us something new!

What does God have for us this season? I want to know!! Don't you?

I love all of you precious women! You are my joy!


Christy said...

I def want to read along, study and be a part of what God is doing... I am so pumped about what GOd is doing IN you and what He will speak THRU you...

CHER said...
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Christina said...

I love your excitement. Your excitement inspires me, encourages me and lifts me up. I am soooo interested and I can't wait to read what God puts on your heart.

btw, have you read Crazy Love by Francis Chan? I just picked it up but haven't read it yet. I've heard it's good though.

Kelly Ann said...

You know I'm totally down! Love you!

Kelly said...

I'm on board! Can't wait:-)

I am really struggling right now with knowing what is God's will... what church we should be in... what I believe. Does that make sense? I love God passionately, but recently I have been trying to figure out what my core beliefs are- not what the church says, but what I believe myself. So antyhign along these lines would be very helpful:-)

Paula said...

I am there!! So much going on....

cindy said...

I would love to. I feel that God is telling me to do this because I've been so distant lately from him.Thanks for the reminder that he still loves me and wants me to continue my quest as a child of God.

Elizabeth O'Neal said...

I would love to do a study with you. I struggle so much every day. My husband is in Oklahoma working because he can't find work here in Ohio where we live. We really can't afford to move right now so I am here alone with our 3 teenage children. I homeschool them all. We have only seen my husband 3 times this year because of no money. I struggle with anxiety and panic and am now on 2 anti-anxiety meds. I don't want to be on meds but I have to be able to stop crying and get out of bed and do what I need to do. Liz

Unknown said...

I am so excited! Thank you ladies for being a part of the journey with me! I am praying for each of you!

Jules said...

Definitely interested!! I SO need this right now with all the struggles with finances(my husband only worked 5 days this month), my father in law's cancer, the questions I always seem to have about church and all of the anxiety I have all of the time. I just feel that it is a time of renewal in my life. I can't wait to hear God speak in this study!! Thanks!!