Tuesday, August 26, 2008

another day

Another great day of school! But I must admit, I am very tired. :) Today was a lot of fun and I am really enjoying the creative side of things. I found sounds of thunderstorms on iTunes so I made a cd with about five different tracks. We talked about thunderstorms again (have a great book and found awesome stuff on Internet) and Josiah drew pictures in his nature notebook while listening to the sounds.The kids LOVED it so much they wanted to listen to it while they ate lunch. Those things seem to be what sticks with them forever. They never forget that kind of stuff. :)

My friend Jill, who is an RN, just left my house. She came to check out my leg and did a test on me to make sure I am not suffering from a blood clot. Yes, I have been freaked out and worried over the pain. But it seems to be some sort of pulled muscle in a place that is very hard to stretch. My other friend Kathy, who was here last week and also an RN, told me the same thing. Jill and Kathy both said, "Stay off the Internet! Don't look up any symptoms again!" So friends, don't laugh but please pray for this leg. It's burning and I want it to be gone! I ran a little over 8 miles on Saturday and it never hurt. Then the pain came back on Sunday. The things your body goes through from running is crazy! But worth it! :) Now if I could just get my mind under submission, things would be great!

This afternoon we went to enroll Ava Beth in her Ballet/tap class. She met her teacher and tried on her shoes, etc. She was very sad to find out her class is not until next week. I cannot wait to see my little girl with her hair in a bun, dressed in tights, leotard and skirt! I think I am just as excited as she is. I really feel like this will be her thing because she LOVES dancing and she is actually pretty good at it. So will we see what the skinny little girl can do! I'm pretty sure she will be running around the house in her pink or black leotard any minute!

Off to clean up the house and prepare dinner. I hope to go to bed early!

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