Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Because of an email I received last night from a precious friend, I woke up feeling full. I knew I was going into a day of BLESSING. She will know when she reads this post just how much her words meant. I did not ask her permission to post this and I don't think she would care but it was a "God stop" moment for me. Must share!

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by! At least it seems to watching from way up here! But it also seems like yesterday that we had our baby girl and her first birthday is next week!!! 

I was putting away hubby's things (laundry) and I was struck with the thought of the day that will come when I am very old (I guess I was feeling really old, ha!) and I mean I was thinking about when time passes as much as it already has and how I will miss even those mundane things that don't even involve my children but just the little tiny details of life, like putting away laundry and running errands and making carrot cake and watching tv ;) Life is so good and so hard at the same time. My prayer (when I am diligent to pray) is that I really don't miss it. Your posts so often pick up those little tidbits that make our lives as wives and mothers so full! They seem so tiny and insignificant but when I read them from someone elses perspective it changes everything!!!

Thank you my friend for those words. They brought me life and reminded me of what an honor it is to be a wife and mother. (I would tell you who she is but I did not ask her if I could post this!)

What she emailed made me think about my best friend, Kelly Ann, and how she finds LIFE in everything she does. I can honestly say that I can count on one hand the amount of times I have heard Kelly Ann complain about life and we have been friends for twenty years. She finds beauty in everything she does. What an incredible gift that is for her children! Trey and Shaefer will grow up telling their own children about how their mother found beauty in everyday life. What a legacy! As I read this post she wrote the other day I felt so inspired to see Jesus as she does. We all should.

This morning I read this, a Homeschool devotion I receive via email. The author ends with this prayer. 

Heavenly Father, forgive me for the things I have allowed to dirty my life. Wash me today that I might be a vessel fit for Your service, which will bring honor to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Yes! Forgive me Father for those things that creep in or those things I invite in that seem to dirty up my life. TV, attitudes, conversations that are not uplifting and my words. And especially my thoughts! I want to stop and soak in every second of this life. I want to worship my Father in the day to day duties as a wife and mother. I want to connect with my husband emotionally, spiritually, physically and love Him how Christ has called me to love him. I want to serve him and put him first, before my children. Jeremy must be priority. I want to love my babies and speak with a soft tone. I want to laugh at the school table, serve cereal with joy, mix chocolate milk for all three kids instead of asking Josiah to do it. I want to cherish those times I pick up toys 500 times a day! I want to drink it all in and bask in the glory of my dreams that have come true. 

2 Timothy 2:21
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] will [then himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.

Thank you Father for this season of Harvest. The Fall air has come with a sweet aroma of peace and contentment. Thank you Lord. 


After you go back and read Kelly Ann's post (i linked it above), you must read something amazing and life giving over at Holy Experience. Unbelievable post!