Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday night rambles

She says labor is harder than a marathon. Crap! She was in Runner's World last month showing her gorgeous belly as she continued to run 80-100 miles per week. INSANE!!! The pictures in Runner's World made me want to throw up. I've experienced three births with an epidural and this one I am going all natural. Some of these braxton hicks have been insane and I know they've got nothing on the real deal! I know what a contraction feels like with pitocin, at a 6 while waiting on the anesthesiologist to come in with the needle for your spine. It feels like HELL! Pitocin is violent and I wish I never would have been talked into inductions. Really excited to allow my body to do it's thing. Wondering WHEN it will happen is probably the toughest thing for me. But it will be nice to be surprised! I'm rarely surprised.

I'm enjoying the pregnancy and the end of pregnancy cravings for sure! Chocolate Milk is something I crave daily! Normally I do not drink milk unless it is in my cereal and for sure I never drink chocolate milk. But now I want it almost every single night. And the one I have pictured below is the ONLY one I will drink.

Went through two of these in four days last week. It's THAT good!

I may not be running right now but it is so much fun being a part of Jeremy's training and chatting via text and phone with my friend Kate Tate! We chatted on the phone tonight about her marathon and her training. She runs her first marathon one week after Jeremy's marathon and they are using the same exact training plan. And would you believe that she is a REDSKINS fan like I am a COWBOYS fan? Who would have thought that it would be possible! A Cowboys AND Redskins friendship? Really? Yes, it is possible. It's so fun to be able to talk homeschool, marathon running and NFC East with my friend Kate! I even sent her a text congratulating her on the win today. Of course we wanted the Redskins to win because we abhor the eagles and they had a better record. So it was purely selfish on our part but Kate understands that. :) The blogging world has truly brought incredible women into my life and Kate Tate is one of them!

Now I am off to bed! Hopefully I will sleep but we shall see. I cleaned and organized all day and all the baby stuff is set up and ready for Jude. Mom brings the cradle tomorrow that will go in my room. I slept in it, all three of my kids and now #4. It's a very special cradle!

Must have some chocolate milk before I attempt sleep! Cowboys had a bye this week so I didn't lose my voice today! If they would have played and won, I would be so wired that I wouldn't be able to sleep and I would be watching all the player interviews online and reading sports in Dallas via the web. If they would have played and lost, I would be depressed and NOT blogging. Since they did not play, I should be able to enjoy Sunday night sleep. Should is the key word.
