Monday, September 29, 2008

Run the Rock

It's official! I just paid $128.00 to enter Jeremy and myself in the White Rock Half Marathon. No turning back! I am very, very excited! I pray we can both stay healthy and finish the course!

Still in shock that I have continued down this road of discipline. I never get over it. I've never been disciplined. Never. Wow! God is good!

Downing some water for a run with Heidi tonight. She makes me run hard! She makes me stronger in so many ways. Running is just one of them. :)

(I just got back from the airport. Due to the Austin City Limits Music Festival this past weekend, my Mother-in-law could not get a flight back to Dallas (she flies standby because her husband works for AA). Sooo, Grammy is back and currently reading books to the kids. Nice to have her here!)


Kelly Ann said...

YAY!! We are all registered!! You are turning back now!!

I'm downing water too! I've been in a funk lately. I need my run tonight!

Love you!

Kim said...

I can't believe you ran 10-miles after the stomach bug BUT I really can't believe you ran it without your iPod!!!! That is beyond my comprehension! Seriously, I grew so dependent on my music that the times it went dead on my long runs I thought I would die. Right there. In the street.

You have done a great job! I miss running and am praying for this long episode of plantar fascia to GO AWAY. I have done everything advised but it is still hanging around. Do you know anybody who has dealt with this and had victory?